Would you like to work with us?
We are looking for two highly motivated individuals to join our research team on the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded Digital Transformations project, ‘The Digital Panopticon: The Global Impact of London Punishments, 1780-1925’, a collaborative project between the Universities of Liverpool, Sheffield, Oxford, Sussex, and Tasmania. …
The project will assemble large and complex bodies of criminal justice, genealogical and biometric data and use sophisticated visualisation and data-linking methodologies to map and analyse convict lives at both the collective and individual level. The project has seven research themes: Epistemologies; Voices of Authority; Penal Outcomes; Intergenerational Inequalities; Biometrics; Digital Dark Tourism; and Ethics and Digital History. In addition to a wide range of publications, project outputs include an electronic resource which will provide an integrated publicly available search engine for searching conjoined datasets containing life course data for 66,000 Londoners who experienced the two penal regimes…
As Research Associate you will undertake core duties on the project: checking the quality of archival documents which have been digitised, undertaking some manual transcription of archival documents, creating and checking semantic tags’ in electronic datasets, analysing processed data, checking the outcomes of record linkage processes, and assisting in the researching, writing up and communication of project outcomes.
The two posts are fixed-term (1 January 2014 to 30 September 2017). One is based at Sheffield (0.75 fte) and the other is based at Liverpool (1.0 fte).
Deadline for applications is 13 December 2013.
More information at jobs.ac.uk. or via Sheffield jobs website (search for ref UOS007546).
Summary information (pdf)