This is a very quick report from the Transforming Research through Digital Scholarship event at the British Library. I really liked both the BL Labs competition winners – really fascinating ideas. (Read more about one of them, the Sample Generator for Digitised Texts, at the BL Digital blog – perhaps there’ll be more about the Mixing the Library project soon.) Andrew Prescott gave a characteristically entertaining and thoughtful keynote, and Bill Thompson rounded off the event brilliantly. James Baker of the BL has posted his notes on the whole event.
It was great to learn more about the two other Digital Transformations projects – so take a look for yourselves:
Fragmented Heritage “aims to revolutionize landscape, site, and artefact analyses by bringing new transformative digital recording methods and computed analysis to fields that are traditionally labour intensive”.
Transforming Musicology “seeks to explore how emerging technologies for working with music as sound and score can transform musicology, both as an academic discipline and as a practice outside the university”.
Finally, here are my slides with notes for the DP presentation.